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Discover the different types of projectors

Congratulations! You are at the right place to learn everything about the beamer landscape. Looking for a projector, screen and accessories? LCD, DLP, 4K, laser, LED or full HD projectors will soon have no more secrets for you.

Be seduced by the latest ultra-light and portable models. Compare not only technologies, brightness and image quality, but also economy, maintenance and environmental friendliness. 

In the spotlight!

  • EK-820LU Eiki

  • EK-500LU Eiki

  • PRO V1700 Eiki

  • PRO V1900 Eiki

  • EK-950LU Eiki

  • EK-720LU Eiki

  • EK-600LU Eiki

  • EK-50LU Eiki